About Us

 I am keyboard lover you may call me a keyboard geek but my name is Teller. I have used many mechanical and non mechanical keyboards in my life and still experiencing different types of keyboards. I have the opportunity as I am working in a computer accessory shop in the local market.

I keep the contact information of the customers who purchase a keyboard from our shop and then contact the customer after some time and ask about the keyboard and his/her experience with the keyboard. I am also a keyboard repairer so i repair the faulty and broken keyboards at my home because we don't provide repair services at the shop.

As i meet many customers who buy keyboards, i assist them to choose the perfect keyboard that suites  his/her needs. I have unboxed a lot of keyboards and know deeply about keyboards.

About keyboardreviewz.blogspot.com

The purpose of keyboardreviewz.blogspot.com is to help the online community to choose their perfect keyboard. I share customer responses, reviews specifications, features, pros and cons, whether to buy or not for every keyboard that people are interested in its purchase.

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